Thursday, August 19, 2010

Lai Sai

Since we had stumbled in to a nice place for dinner the night before,
we decided to go back there once again to have the very typical
Vietnamese meal called Lai Sai, which basically means "long meal". We
ate and drank from 6-11 pm.

We started out with a bottle of wine from the Dalat region.

And our favourite waitress Lee made sure we had everything we needed, including good company!

And Steve had arranged the night before for
me to try his "famous" eggs...

...which he of course tried his best to convince me were just delicious.

However after a closer look, I needed another glass, and Lee brought me some home made honey rice wine.

I did however managed to get almost one whole egg down, which entitled me to continue our Lai Sai, which in my opinion got better by the end!^^

1 comment:

  1. Jag tycker att du är duktig som tog dig igenom det! :-)
    Snart bokar jag biljetten ner till Marrakech, som det ser ut nu blir det 2 eller 9 oktober.. puss syss
