Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Going for the moon?

"Go for the moon. If you don't get it, you'll still be heading for a star."
I just found this quote while searching the web for some inspiring and uplifting things to make my day. I'd say this one would be more inspiring than uplifting, but I think it reflects my vision of life in most times.

Having been reminded of that, I'm now off to bed after a long hour of ironing. Tomorrow is a new day, and I need to get some serious sleep if I want to be ready!^^

Good night.
Steve and me heading for the moon, not failing our BTS.^


  1. Härligt!

    Den här videon kan göra att man känner sig riktigt peppad att ta tag i saker också ;- )

    Puss å kram

  2. Underbar video, den ser jag absolut om snart igen!!
