Saturday, August 28, 2010

3 more temples

After the Ankor Wat, the tour went on to Ankor Thom and the Bayon temple, after the Ankor Wat probably the most famous temple, since their towers with 4 smiling Buddha faces often appear on photos.

We quickly passed by the Ta Keo temple where Rot asked if we wished to climb to the top or if we prefered to just take photos from the bottom and then continue. Of course we decided to climb up, having Rot waiting down stairs... very wise man I thought while having troubles climbing back down again!^^

And in the end we reached the Ta Prohm temple. And for all movie lovers, this is where the Tomb Raider was filmed. This temple is covered by 300 year old trees with gigantic roots (Tetrameles Nudiflora), it looks fantastic! It has not yet been restaured and you find stones lying around everywhere and it looks like the whole place is going to fall down on your head!

While we were visiting, some parts were not accessible since they were reconstructing the entrance brigde, Rot told us that only that part was a 10 years long restauration project. I'd love to come back in, lets say 100 years, to see what it'll look like than!

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